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My Journey: Annual day 8

Please read previous parts first to understand this story, Read the previous story by clicking on the story name My Journey: Annual day 7

It's not very common for a 14-year-old boy to have dark circles unless he has specific health issues, lack of sleep, or other contributing factors. However, for the purpose of makeup transformation, including concealer in the makeup routine can still make sense to create a flawless look, even if it's not for dark circles specifically. Here's a revised version without the mention of dark circles:

Monday came, and it was time to return to school after my four-day holiday and intense practice sessions. I was nervous, not about facing people, but about how I would perform in front of everyone. After taking a bath, I wore my uniform, went to the kitchen, and asked my mother for breakfast. She seemed a bit sad.

"What's wrong, Mom?" I asked.

"I have to wait until the evening to see my daughter again," she replied, a touch of sadness in her voice.

I felt a pang of sadness too, but I had my breakfast, took my lunchbox, and went to school. The morning passed with regular classes until lunch break. After lunch, we had practice for the annual day. I headed to the auditorium, and my teacher called me over.

"Are you ready?" she asked.

"I'm ready, but nervous," I admitted.

We were recreating a sequence from the Mahabharata, and my part was about six minutes long. The teacher handed me the script, and I read it over, feeling somewhat confident after practicing it for the past four days. We still had two weeks until the annual day.

When rehearsal began, it was my turn to perform. I went on stage and performed my scene effortlessly, impressing everyone with my improvement. As my scene was about to end, I forgot my lines and a dance step. Everyone clapped, and my teacher approached me.

"You did a great job," she said, but I wasn't happy. I had practiced so well but still forgot the lines and dance steps. Disheartened, I walked out of the auditorium once rehearsals were over, without speaking to anyone. I took my bag and went home.

When I arrived home, my mother was waiting for me. She told me to freshen up. Seeing my sad face, she asked, "What happened?"

I explained everything, and she comforted me. "It's alright, you have more time to practice. Ajay will be here within 30 minutes."

Although I had no mood to practice, I took a bath because of my mother. When I went to her room, she was waiting with a white Mysore silk saree with a blue border and a newly stitched blouse.

"How did you stitch so many blouses?" I asked, amazed.

"I stitched blouses for all my silk sarees according to your measurements whenever I had time," she replied.

She handed me a bra and panties, which I wore. Then she gave me a petticoat and helped me put on the blouse, which fit perfectly. She began draping the saree, wrapping it around my waist, carefully making pleats, and tucking them into the petticoat. She adjusted the saree over my shoulder, letting the loose end, or pallu, fall gracefully, ensuring it draped perfectly.

Next, she started my makeup for an evening look. She began with a foundation, spreading it evenly across my face to create a smooth base. She applied concealer to hide any minor imperfections, blending it seamlessly. She added a rosy blush to my cheeks for a soft, natural glow. Moving to my eyes, she placed false eyelashes to make them look bigger and more expressive. She applied mascara to my lashes, making them longer and fuller. She expertly blended eyeshadow to match the saree, creating a subtle yet captivating look. A thin line of eyeliner was added to define my eyes. For the finishing touch, she used a lip liner to define the shape of my lips and applied a soft, creamy maroon lipstick, completing the look with elegance.

I looked in the mirror and couldn't believe how gorgeous I looked; I couldn't believe I was a boy. My mother called me for snacks, and while I was eating, Ajay sir arrived. My mother served him coffee and snacks. After finishing, he joined me in my room. I told him about what happened at school.

"It happened to me on stage during a live show," he said. "I was embarrassed at first, but then I learned a trick. If you forget your lines in Yakshagana, use your dance to express the emotions. For an angry line, show anger through your movements and expressions. For a sad scene, let your dance and facial expressions convey the sadness. Just go with the flow of the scene; it makes things much easier."

I kept this advice in mind, and we began practicing. The sequence was a conversation between Bhima and Draupadi, ending in a sad sequence. Ajay sir conveyed the same dialogue through dance without saying a single word, and I was amazed. We practiced this together. After dinner, I went to bed, feeling more hopeful.

Please leave your comment and suggestions so that i can improve the story.


  1. Eagerly waiting for next part

  2. Awesome Stories Sister.. Keep Rocking !!

  3. Good writing. You should write more stories.


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